IK Multimedia ToneX Captures for Rock & Metal!
SinMix Tonex JCM800 Pack ver.02 [02.02.2023] Free SinMix ToneX Capture Pack15 Advanced Captures [2 Direct inside]3 Boost Captures: Maxon OD808, Helldrive,BeeOD AMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Marshall® JCM800 [2204] AmplifierCabinets: Marshall 1960AV & Mesa OversizedSpeakers: V30,Greenback,G12T75,Alnico CreamMics: SM57,E906,HEIL PR20
SinMix Tonex Pivi6505 Pack ver.01 [19.12.20022] FREE SINMIX TONEX CAPTURES PACK 15 Advanced Captures [2 Direct inside]4 Boost Captures: Maxon OD808, Helldrive,BeeOD, Puff Drive AMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Peavey® 6505 Amplifier Cabinets: Mesa Oversized 412, Mesa Rectifier 412, Mesa Rectifier 212, David Laboga 212Speakers: Celestion V30, Mic:...
SinMix Tonex MBDRRev.F Pack ver.03 [10.01.2024] Free SinMix ToneX Capture Pack 17 Advanced Captures [1 Direct inside]5 Boost Captures: Maxon OD808, Helldrive,BeeOD, Puff One, Puff Drive AMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Mesa Boogie® Dual Rectifier from 1992 AmplifierCabinets: Mesa Oversized 412, Mesa Rectifier 412, Mesa Rectifier 212, Marshall MF400...
SinMix Tonex Savage Pack ver.02 [04.02.2023] Free SinMix ToneX Capture Pack11 Advanced Captures [2 Direct Captures]5 Boost Captures: Maxon OD808, Helldrive,BeeOD AMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Engl® Savage 120 KT88 AmplifierCabinets: Marshall 1960AV, Marshall MF400, Mesa Oversized, Mesa RectifierSpeakers: V30,G12 Classic LeadMic: SM57
SinMix Tonex Slo100 Pack ver.02 [11.02.2023] Free SinMix ToneX Capture Pack13 Advanced Captures [One Direct Profile]5 Boost Captures: Maxon OD808, Helldrive,BeeOD AMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Soldano® Slo100 AmplifierCabinets: Hesu Oversized, Marshall MF400, Mesa Oversized, Mesa RectifierSpeakers: V30,Mic: SM57
SinMix ToneX 5153 Pack ver.01 [04.01.2023] Free SinMix ToneX Capture Pack26 Advanced Captures [4 Direct inside]6 Boost Pedal Captures: Maxon OD808, Helldrive,BeeOD, Puff one, Puff PD, BB Preamp AMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a EVH® 5153 50W 6l6 AmplifierCabinets: 2 Marshall, 3 Mesa, 2 Hesu, EVH 212Speakers: V30,Hesu Demon, G12H, G12EVHMics:...
SinMix Tonex 5150 MKII Pack ver.01 [09.01.2022] Free SinMix ToneX Capture Pack 13 Advanced Captures [1 Direct inside]6 Boost Captures: Maxon OD808, Helldrive,BeeOD AMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Peavey® 5150 MKII AmplifierCabinets: Marshall 1960AV & Mesa Oversized, Mesa Recvtifier, David LabogaSpeakers: V30,GreenbackMic: SM57
SinMix ToneX SinAmp Pack ver.01 [02.02.2023] Free SinMix ToneX Capture Pack15 Advanced Captures [1 Direct inside]6 Boost Pedal Captures: Maxon OD808, Helldrive,BeeOD, Puff one, Puff PD, BB Preamp AMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Razor® SinAmp AmplifierCabinets: 2 Marshall, 3 Mesa, Speakers: V30,Mics: SM57,AT4040
SinMix ToneX RockPack! [26.04.2023] 37 Captures.Amps: Marshall JCM800 Clone, Soldano SLO100 Clone, mesa DR Rev.F 1992, Engl Savage 120 KT88Cabinets: Mesa Oversized 412, Mesa rectifiwer 412, Marshall 1960AV, Marshall MF400Speakers: Celestion V30, Greenback, G12T75, Alnico Cream, WGS Retro 30, Fender Speaker, Celestion Classic LeadMics: Shure sm57,...